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Priapus Shot (P-Shot)

45 min
2,000 US dollars
North Canton Center Road

Service Description

This PRP process involves drawing your blood, the blood is centrifuged to separate the blood into three components (platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells). The platelet-rich plasma is extracted with a syringe and is then injected into the treatment site (in this case, your penis). The Priapus Shot takes approximately 30 minutes to complete from start to finish. Most benefits are seen within three weeks. The P-Shot can last up to a year. Recovery time and side effects are minimal to none. What benefits to expect: 1. Increased sexual stamina 2. Enhanced sensitivity and pleasure during intercourse 3. Improved erectile function 4. Stronger and firmer erections 5. Stimulated growth of new blood vessels 6. Long-lasting results that can improve over time 7. Minimal downtime and recovery period 8. Non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure

Cancellation Policy

All services must have a $99 consultation.

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